Thursday, 11 October 2018

Student Led Conferences

Student Voice and Choice

At the end of term three, we had our first student led conferences which was also an introduction to Linc Ed and a way to promote this to whānau and also encourage them to sign in and view what Linc Ed has to offer.  
I structured my conferences into four parts.  
1) Checking in to see where 2019 school enrolments were at.
2) Finding out if parents had logged in to Linc Ed and where they were at with it.
3) Explaining how we have organised our sharing of learning and the students shared their slides for the different learning areas.
4) Discussing academic progress throughout the year and setting one main area to really focus on for term four as the students last term at Gilberthorpe.
Each student had a slide that showed what curriculum area the slide was for, their curriculum level and their attitude towards the subject.

The children were able to view their work from throughout the year and show an early example and a more recent one, which allowed them to see and show the progress they have made.
With whānau, the student and myself, we were able to determine which learning area in particular should be a focus for students for term four.  We discussed how we would do this and how they could continue and support learning from home.  

Some other valid points that came up in discussion were around parents being able to know what some of the assessment information meant.  On Linc Ed it says Essential Spelling List 1 etc but parents don't actually know what these words include.  Some were also unsure about which curriculum levels their child should be working at and also what the scores in the PAT area mean.

This tells me that in order for parents to fully understand how their children are doing at school and for the children to know where their learning is at, we need to create ways of sharing this in a user friendly manner.  

• Gather, analyse and use appropriate assessment information, identifying progress and needs of learners to design clear next steps in learning and to identify additional supports or adaptations that may be required. 

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