Friday, 12 October 2018

Assessment Information

Assessment and Achievement Information

I think it is vital for student learning and whānau engagement for everybody to know and understand assessment data information.  Some of this data is not overly helpful for learners or their families, however much of it can help determine learning needs and next steps.  In my experience, children benefit and become more engaged when they can see progress and have discussions about what needs to be done for them to improve.

Areas that I have seen success with this are as follows:
CURRICULUM LEVELS~With the end of National Standards, children and families needed reminding of the curriculum levels and what that meant for them.  I shared curriculum level information with students and in Reading, Writing and Numeracy, helped them identify where they were currently at and what levels each year group works on.  

ESSENTIAL SPELLING~Essential Spelling Assessment and the sharing of this has enabled students to see progress and know what learning they are still to do.

WRITING~Writing has been a focus for 2018 and sharing of assessment information and progress has gone towards increased achievement.  During our preparation for Student Led Conferences, children I work with were able to identify their current Writing levels and how they have progressed.
Each of the students had a template like this to complete.

~At the end of term two, we did one to one Informal Prose Inventories.  As these were being done, learning conversations took place to explain to children where they were at and at what level they were being tested.  They were also informed about the different parts of the assessments, being accuracy, retell and comprehension.  Next steps and areas to focus on were also explained.

All Reading groups have their reading ages and levels shown on their group reading plan.
Readers share their progress, attitude and an example of them reading with a text so whānau can see what type of texts we read in class.

NUMERACY~My Numeracy groups are organised into the Stage children are working within.  We shared the curriculum levels and information about what Stage relates to each level.  We use Numeracy 123 to help guide learning and stages are shown on these.  Numeracy is also split into knowledge and strategy to help children to understand what we are doing more.
A student's cover page of her Numeracy slide.
An example of a Numeracy group learning slide from our site.

• Communicate clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information. 

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