Friday, 12 October 2018

Concept Based Curriculum


In 2018, our inquiry topic is Community. We worked together as a staff with Kate, who guided us through our Concept Based Community journey.  Our overall concept is:
Thriving communities have active members, each with roles and responsibilities.
We worked together to ensure we created engaging experiences and learning tasks for students.  For Te Rōpū Whakamanawa, our focus was around learning what this statement actually meant and recognising the part we all play within our community and how this can be diverse.
Here are some of the online activities we did:
Students used a Google Drawing to create and share their understanding of each key word in our concept statement.

We wanted to identify our different cultures and where we are from.  These were able to be celebrated and embraced when we shared information with each other.  For students, this was a positive experience because the interest and accepting feeling and comments while in discussion were all of genuine interest.  Children were able to share parts of their cultural background and uniqueness.

• Harness the rich capital that learners bring by providing culturally responsive and engaging contexts for learners. 

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