School Leaders Network
In term three 2018, Sam and I attended the School Leaders Network Un conference. We had a selection of discussion topics and chose two to attend. These sessions were hosted by one person who directed the discussion, starting off with a bit of their own story. The rest of the group then shared and discussed what is happening in our own schools.
Reducing Anxiety in Children
Hosted by Jo Johnstone
Jo shared some of her school's story and their work with Kathleen Liberty and her research into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and reducing stress in Christchurch children, post earthquake.
Key points discussed:
Some strategies are on a biological level, meaning for our bodies and others are ecological, which are to do with environment.
PLAY EAT LEARN~Children play first, come back in to class and eat together inside as a class in preparation to learn. Children eat in social groups and manners etc are encouraged at the time.
CARD BREAK~They also have a carb snack break at 9.30 in the morning because of the slow release energy carbs give. Studies suggest children should eat every 90 minutes.
CARD BREAK~They also have a carb snack break at 9.30 in the morning because of the slow release energy carbs give. Studies suggest children should eat every 90 minutes.
Some children find too much stimulus within their environments, in particular things hanging across the room and too much on windows. Natural light is good and clear spaces help reduce anxiety.
Water and keeping hydrated has been found to help bodies respond to stimuli and keep in a calmer state. Clear bottles are better than drinking fountains because the amount can be monitored and easy to see.
This was touched on and some research has been done looking into sleep routines and the impact on behaviour and ability to cope with life. Omega Oil was also discussed as being beneficial for sleep and general wellbeing.
RIRO~ Reach Out Reach In
We talked about staff wellbeing. One school used RIRO to look into and support staff wellbeing. I have had a quick look at the site and there is some good stuff for us teachers to take on board.
I shared about how we do Mindfulness and about diffusing essential oils in our learning space in Takitini. Looking out for staff wellbeing has been important for us and being able to purchase and have access to essential oils and blends for health and wellbeing is a really positive path in the right direction.
• Seek and respond to feedback from learners, colleagues and other education professionals, and engage in collaborative problem solving and learning focused collegial discussions.
• Seek and respond to feedback from learners, colleagues and other education professionals, and engage in collaborative problem solving and learning focused collegial discussions.
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