Thursday, 21 November 2024

RPI #9 - Sharing

 Reading Practice Intensive

Visible Learning - Sharing in Reading

Next step: Next week, after camp, I would love for ākonga to explore some blogs from across the motu. 

Tips for blog posts:
Have these available to ākonga can be constantly reminded about the quality of their blog posts.
Make sure the blog work is planned for and visible through the learning site and a regular and integral part of what ākonga do. Use a quality check with a buddy and 

Use 'Ready to share' rather than 'finished'. A Hand It In space will support accountability.

FIOP - Finish it off Properly

Feedback and Reflection
In relation to our success criteria and what learners have to do to have the expected outcomes. (Don't add it to everything).

What will help me build on for where I need to go?

For me, I think I need to be more deliberate in using descriptive and generative feedback. I will aim you use Mote in the coming week. Has a limit of 20. Shift, command, 5 is a good way to record and audio on your Mac.

Mote - How cool for giving feedback. I used it for some feedback on our Te Marama poems. I had the Types of Descriptive Feedback open which helped me trying to have more than one type.

Global Feedback - Use that for a type of feedback that will be for all or many of the students. 

For Feedback Routines - What is Going Well?

My reflection on wider opportunities to collaborate. What might I add or tweak.
My first thing would be to review the expectations clear. I then want to be more deliberate in my planning for collaboration opportunities. Maybe some symbols would be good to use.

Some of our learners have been doing some collaborative writing. They write from a different character's perspective. I'd like to do this more.

I like this as it is something I have been working to improve. 

This shows how much learning and practice can happen through blog commenting and responding. 

Whānau Engagement
It possibly won't always be how we want it, but sharing can definitely help keep whānau in the loop with what we are doing.

How can I as a teacher, support whānau involvement?

I just had an idea of something I needs to do. Using the Reading Challenge activities, scaffold these one at a time, so ākonga are confident with them and can make informed choices later and at home.

Add into our task boards, an element for sharing of reading. This could be done a few times a term. Utilise or new local library space and invite whānau to come with us as we walk there.

Connect Home and School
Language Weeks - Get whānau to come in and read a story to classes.

Does my site have a go-to portal for ākonga to access follow-up mahi? No...not yet, but this is definitely something I would like to do. 

How will I develop and make a plan for my kete of skill builders? 

The padlet we used to look how we would plan for sustainability was really helpful for going forward.

Yay! What an amazing programme this has been. So much learning and so many great tools that can be used to enhance learning for our precious ākonga. I am looking forward to growing my reading practice even more next year.

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