Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Middle Leaders - Hepetema 2024

 Middle Leaders Course Part 2

Leadership Capability Action Plan - Review and Refresh

We split off into groups and had a sharing session about our capabilities plan.

David Anderson - Ways We Speak

Adult language we use and language we should use in schools. Many people don't feel confident when talking with stakeholders. 

To what degree am I listening?
Do we understand the difference between dialogue and discussion. Move from this to discussion. 
Dialogue - No decisions are made from dialogue, exploring possibilities.

Discussion - Where decisions are made. Works better when there has been dialogue.

Inquiry - What are the ramifications and impact of this decision or idea.

Advocating - Putting on the table why something is a good idea. 

Purpose of Feedback - Get some to understand where they need to get to, hold to account, clarify. How clear is each person about the feedback being shared. How do we react to and receive to feedback. There are times when people haven't taken on feedback. 

How do we listen to each other? - 

Discussion -
Go to Core and get the video to insert.
People sit in the different stages for different amounts of time. 

Inquiry - Assist substantive dialogue: 
Actively Listen
Test for different perspectives

Learning Talk Important conversations at work Joan Dalton...need to get 

The Ladder of Inference

  • Thinking process (unconsciously)
  • Decision making process
  • Influenced by personal beliefs and convictions
  • Interpretations (influenced again by beliefs)
  • Decision/action occurs in rapid time (judgement)
Enhance collaboration, communication and relationships within your team. 

We have a Ladder of Inference Child Version
Read the chapter in Student Centered Leadership book. 

Addressing an Issue or Concern

1. Plan and prepare well.
2. Begin the converstaion: say how you see things.
3. Invite and lsiten to the other person's perspective.
4. Open the conversation for mutual negotiation and resolution.
5. Follow up

Don't give out compliments prior to starting. Give the person time to 

Sharing - 
Humble, Hungry, Smart. 
Magnets with QR Codes for whānau.
Clifton Strengths
AI - Gemini, Suno, 
Niho Taniwha - White privilege section Page 189
Me - I shared the reading recordings and mahi tracker.
Ross Greene to understand the 'Why' of what we do.
Specialist school. Good for teachers to visit. Available to run PD sessions.

Using Data
Feed the pig or weigh the pig??
Purpose Student Centered Leadership Page 124??

Jumping to conclusions
making judgements
Generalised comments about teaching.

Stay at evidence level

Data Protocols
Have more understanding of what students know and can do
Develop shared langauge for assessing student work
Common understanding of what quality work looks like
Collective responsibility for students.

Insert the paragraph from Ross Greene about deficit thinking.

Data Meeting - So What?

Step #1 - Talk through the protocol
Step #2 Create a task
Step #3 Write the strategies that will be used
Step #4 Allocate WALTS. Maximum of 3.
Step #5 Add to event in weekly planning.
Step #6 Review at a data meeting. 
Make sure that we don't spend hours talking about something and then have no action or change.

Critical Friend Protocol
The critical friends group provides a supportive forum for teachers to analyse, problem-solve and work together on improving student learning and professional teaching practice.

See the handout: Critical Friends Protocol from our shared folder. 

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