Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Reader Profile Survey

 Reader Profiles for Term Three

I was meant to do this survey in Term Two, but my teaching partner had done it with our whole hub in Term One so I used that information and put it into my workbook. 
To start Term Three, I adjusted the survey a bit and got my ākonga that I take for Literacy, to complete it on our first day back at school. 

On the day of the survey, I had 24 ākonga at school. Eight Year 5s and sixteen Years 6s. 

I am quite concerned that I only have four ākonga that really like reading at school. Twelve like it, but eight don't at all. This is not good for me as it would be difficult to make progress in an area that you don't really enjoy. 
Question two is also a concern as more ākonga don't like reading for enjoyment, than those that do. After looking at this and when introducing Rules for Talk, I held a discussion around this piece of data. Ākonga got in groups and had discussions, using our learning intentions and success criteria, to come up with ideas about why this might be and then, what we could do about it. 
After the group discussions, ākonga used Jamboard, for the first time, to collate and share ideas for how we might increase interest in reading for enjoyment.

This is quite amazing data. Only four of the twenty four ākonga surveyed, go to the local library. In the April holidays of 2024, our community opened a new library and swimming pool complex. The official opening was in the holidays and we were lucky to be able to take part in this with some of our senior Kapa Haka students. In the first week back to school, I organised a day where I took those ākonga as a way to engage with the new space and also as a thank you for giving up their time. (The whānau who brought their kids down, were amazing as always). 
I have been in touch with Matatiki, our new local library and am in the process of working out some kind of plan to get kids in there. 

The results to this question surprised me. I think there must be some kind of disconnect where ākonga don't see learning from reading. 

I remember the days when I would buy books for presents or my son would receive some beautiful books that we thought were real gems. I recently found a book that my sone, who is now 19, received when he was born. It was The Whale Rider. Inside, was a note written by a friend of mine saying for me to read it to him. (I must do that again. I can imagine his face when I rock in for story time). 
It is really important for me that ākonga feel that they are good at reading and that they see their progress. I remember a couple of years ago when a Year 6 boy who had struggled with learning for years, had been reading at Magenta and then went up to Red. He was so excited and proud. I want that feeling for all kids. 

I wonder how we can compete with the level of gaming that ākonga now do. I need to use the information from the survey about what ākonga like to read and ensure that I provide these materials for them. I think it would also be beneficial to reignite our focus on reading for enjoyment and maybe having more sharing, more opportunities and incentives to read. Definitely a lot to think about.

scary books
I like to read books about fairytales and fiction books.
Murder Mystreys, Ficton, Love,
I like to read books about
i don't know
nonfiction and fantasy.
Clowns, roald dahi.
Dog man
Graphic novels
Family stuff and girl heros
losting pelpoe and horror

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Lee-Anne,
    How exciting to have two time points for this measurement within your class. You've used the information well too, to really begin to dig down into really useful information direct from your students. What a powerful piece of data at this point in the year. Were there any suggestions from your learners that they were interested in trailing? What's your next step with this, do you think?

    I'm interested to hear more about your plans with the library as well. It would be interesting to see how your learners respond to the opportunity. I wonder if they'd have suggestions about how to plan for success when they're using the library?

    We delved deep into text selection in our third session. Could this aspect be included with the upcoming opportunities as well? Are learners aware of the importance of reading many different types of texts? I'm always interested in the learner response to these challenges.

    I appreciated the way in which you really explored the data here and I can see you have a lot to contemplate. What next? I can't wait to hear.
    Ngā mihi,
    Amie @ the Manaiakalani Reading Practice Intensive
