Thursday, 6 June 2024

Reading Practice Intensive Day #1


Reading in foundational aspiration of Manaiakalani programme. 

Reading is essential. If we want children to have equity, they need to be confident readers.

Poor reading ability has a detrimental effect on life and makes school difficult. The ability to read is a social justice issue and is associated with disadvantage. Some kids have to make more than one year's progress each year. Acceleration is hard work. Teachers are working hard and smart to meet these needs. 

Ākonga also have to work harder. 

Railway line: One side is effective teaching, and the other is the digital world. To harness the potential, we need both sides of the track. 

Framework - Describes the Manaiakalani Programme and the relationship with schools in the partnership.

The Why - Three consecutive years or more of being in a class for three years or more, young people get the rewards. 

Reading requires intensive competence in teachers. 

National Relevance - Student feedback across the country says they have been doing less reading. 

What characterises a good reader? 

-Understanding of what is read.

-Being able to interpret information

-Learn from what is read

-Enjoyment for reading

-Make meaning

-Reading mileage. 

-Word knowledge and vocabulary

-Good readers participate

-Good readers read widely. Show better academic outcomes.

Reading Role Model - Kids Tell Us Why We Read.

For me: Share more favourite books and delve into what we share as a class, what kids have read and the recommendations ākonga might have.

Reading survey - Libby for online reading. Needs a library card barcode. Only 36% of schools have libraries.

Books I might read with the class: David Walliams Mr Stink maybe.

Pillars of Practice

Reading to Learn

Cover a range of genres, hook kids in, and use a range of relevant contexts. Comprehension strategies - skills that need to be learned. Reading is everywhere. Reading and writing are connected. A library in a school shows we value reading. Can create a hub-type community in the library space. Reading is Core to Learning video from Richard.

The New Zealand Curriculum -

How can guided reading capitalise on local and current contexts?

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