Learn, Create, Share Toolbox
With Heather Matthews from Hornby Primary School
The target audience is for upper primary and secondary levels. This is an informative presentation for us to explore in our own time.
Manaiakalani Secondary Support Site has a lot of apps and links for creative ideas.
Click on image
iFake Text Message can be used to teach direct speech. You can make mistakes and then go back and correct them. Conversations can then be posted to blogs etc.
Using emojis in a line, students can be limited in the words they use and have to dig a little deeper and use more descriptive language.
Figment AR...iPads only. This is a creative way to promote writing. Could also be used for oral language. You can go through different portals, look around and can describe what you see.
Incredibox-This would be good as a motivator for our music unit. Have kids explore and share their creations to their blogs. Let's have a go...
Quick Draw - You get given an object to draw and have 25 seconds using your touchpad. The voice within the app will come up and say what they see.
My takeaways from this session are:
- Explore more creative tools that students can use to enhance learning and engagement.
- Provide time for exploring things like
Become confident in using Te Reo Māori in the classroom.With Muriel Pehi from Wigram SchoolThis session was a sharing of Muriel's journey in learning Te Reo Māori and how it has been for her as she has grown up. Muriel is a teacher at Wigram primary and has been there for three years. She spoke highly of the support and genuine caring for Te Reo Māori that her colleagues have and this was evident by the Wigram staff who were there in support of Mureil.This is Muriel's slide she shared:
Attending this session and hearing about Muriel's journey and her openness about it has helped me to reflect on my own journey. I have always wanted to grow my learning and feel confident and comfortable with speaking and concerning in Te Reo Māori. I also want to feel confident when in the classroom and being able to provide a range of levels of learning for students.
My takeaways from this session are:
- To create learning opportunities for myself to develop my learning.
- To create learning tools for students, similar to those in Muriel's slide.
- Speak more Te Reo Māori in different settings.
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