Structured Literacy Session #1
With Jo Jessep and Lillian Dowd
Deepen knowledge of Structured Literacy and share tips and tricks.
Provide confidence, knowledge and resources.
Share a common goal.
Improve literacy teaching practice that is based on scientific research and evidence.
Focus: What is Structured Literacy and the importance of phonemic awareness.
Why change?
Plummeting Literacy rates and a range of consequences because of this.
The Power of Evidence-reasearch shows us how children learn to read. We need to look at the Science of Reading and align that with the education of reading.
How do children learn to read? All children learn to read in the same way!
The Simple View Of Reading
Decoding X Language Comprehension = Reading Comprehension
Ability to apply sound and symbol relationships X Ability to understand spoken language=
Helps to understand how children learn to read and what they need in order to be able to read.
The Reading Brain: It has been proven that learning to read is not just a visual process. Learning to read is not a natural process and needs to be taught. We need to make sure we are using the right parts in order to be able to teach reading.
How do we encure all children are being taught to read....?
We use a structured, multisensory, literacy approach.
Explicit: Teaching is direct and intentional, teacher modelling I do, we do, you do). Tecaher led instruction, learning is not implicit or assumed, multi sensory-auditory, visual, kinesthetic. Reduction in cognitive load theory-take away the unessecary things so they can learn.
Systematic: Planned in an organised way which moves from simple to complex.
Cumulative: Teaching builds on the previously learned concepts. Review, move on, review.
Diagnostic: assessment, formal and informal, ongoing and informs teaching.
This is an approach rather than a programme.
The Ladder of Reading:
For 60%, structured literacy is essential and for the other 40% will still benefit and it will be an advantage.
Phonological Awareness:
Is a key strand and comes under word recognition.
What is phonoligical awareness, phonemic awareness and phonics.
Add slide 28 here...this is really important and is the foundational information teachers need to know.
Slide 30 needs to be learned.
My Next Steps:
I feel a little overwhelmed and like I have so much to learn. My next step is to become more familiar with decodable texts and introduce these to my Literacy group students.
I also need to do some assessments so I can get a clear picture of what the student needs are.
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