This blog aims to record and reflect on ways I demonstrate knowledge and application of Our Code, Our Standards as outlined by the New Zealand Education Council. This blog was created in 2018 and the intention is for it to continue to be used in years to follow.
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Structured Literacy approach
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Structured Literacy Workshop #1
Structured Literacy Session #1
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Accelerated Learning in Literacy
Accelerated Learning in Literacy Introduction
PfS Programmes for Students
In 2021, I am embarking on a journey in Literacy through the ALL intervention. This week I had the opportunity to attend a session for teachers who are in their second or third year of running ALL in their schools.
Initially, I wasn't too sure about going to this session and thought I would be better suited to attend the Year 1 session, however, we had our cluster teacher only day which Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey and didn't want to miss out on that. As it turned out, it was really beneficial for me to be able to have discussions and hear about how things were at the different schools that were present.
My Notes~
Relationships and Connections:
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Why do you do what you do?
ALL is not a programme. Find out about our students and start with them at the centre.
Teachers talk a lot. This year, see if you can talk less and get kids doing more.
Reggie Routman...check out her 10 ways to be a better writer.
Have a look at the professional readings folder.
Why ALL?
Lack of pedagogical content knowledge in teachers. Share and build content knowledge of teachers.
National Leader Messages 2021 Chris Henderson
Reflections on 2020
Relationships with whānau improved.
Lockdown exacerbated existing inequities.
Post lockdown, increased focus on integration, key competencies, wellbeing and differentiated teaching.
Progress in reading and math but not in writing.
Tiers of intervention...levels thing
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement
About 80+% of teachers would say their focus is on writing. The others say reading. Need to ask ourselves why that is. Is it us?
The more students read, the better readers they became.
Reading at home is linked to achievement.
If students lack confidence are more likely to be below.
Some can’t see the links between stories/books and life.
Students report they didn’t have opportunities to share their writing. If we are going to write, what is our purpose for writing?
If you read, greater life expectancy.
What Can We Do More Of, in Literacy?
Accurate information that identifies student needs
Reading with and to children. Offers an escape.
High-quality dialogue within the classroom. How do we allow opportunities for high-quality dialogue? How can we ensure children connect?
Telling and retelling stories.
A more holistic approach. Focus on oral language, reading and writing.
Read and write different texts. When writers write, they use elements from a range of text types/formats. Sometimes we get bogged down with text types.
Involving whānau schooling and in breaks from school.
Valuing each child’s identity and what they value.
Developing critical literacy skills and collaborative reasoning. Go back to the Literacy Framework.
High levels of collaboration across teachers with sharing knowledge and resources.
Key Competencies
Are a focus of ALL. How can we develop all of these together rather than just alone.
The Book Whisperer Pg 51 Donalyn Miller Sounds like a book we should have.
Change from the current state to the desired outcome. Start at the WHY
Equity-Task: Read page 6-9 of Sarah Bolton’s Fulbright scholarship paper. Why do we need equity? Is it fair? Is providing equal education to all students the same as providing an equitable education?
Encourage students to read like a writer. What has the author done to keep me interested?
Focus on a Tiered System-
Improvement of: student learning, Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Leadership
Lifelong learners.
The How:
Knowledge of learner
Letting students see themselves in the learning
The What:
Selection of students
Knowing the learner beyond the classroom
Connecting with whānau
Valuing prior knowledge student brings to learning
Core and More
Let Adie know about the 19th March Year 1 day
The Tiered System
Tier 1-Majority of children
Tier 2-Need a bit extra-this is where ALL sits.
Tier 3- Few children needing intensive support.
The one shown in the workshop was the other way up/down.
Series of books being released in March and will form part of reading for lower level students. Decodable texts.
The Place of Data:
With an intervention we are trying to correct something. If not all staff are involved in ALL, decisions need to be made about where to put this intervention. Ideally, the whole school should do this and throw the ALL part out. This way, it would be an intervention across the school. If it’s urgent, we need it. The further through schooling kids are, the more difficult it is to make up that lost time and knowledge. The target level needs to be the level with the most need.
An Acceleration Plan:
Was known as a Curriculum and Achievement plan. Used to be committed to writing which is still a good idea.
What is its purpose?
Clearly articulates what each of the tiers look like in our school
Investigate what interventions we have in the school and the process for identifying which tier students are in. The ideal is for all teachers to be ALL teachers.
Outlines a process when a ‘good’ idea is suggested as an intervention
How is Literacy knowledge being built in your school?
Monitoring Progress
A pathway of progress..ask yourself:
Where do I want this group to be at and the end of intervention?
How will I plan my teaching to get there? You will perform at this level, what will I do as a teacher to help you get there? A school statement would be good.
How often will I monitor the students' progress?
When I have a sense that what I am doing is not working, what will I do?
Where do I record this?
How well can the student te
For the children who are not where they need to be, every second, minute, important. We need to move them on.
Read Developing Assessment Capable Learners.
What will happen next for my school?
Another Why of PfS ALL:
Improvement of:
Student achievement
Teacher Pedagogical Content KNowledge PCK
With the budget provided. Create a plan for when to take the release and what I will do with the budget. Use this in the first half of the year due to June changeover.
Julia Gillard podcast about inequity. Important qualities of leadership: 1) self-doubt 2) curiosity 3) preparedness to ask questions. 4) developing a high performing team.
UC edPLUS is closed and most are working with Learning Solutions.
The novel choose books. In guided reading, the teacher didn’t need to talk too much.
Reading for pleasure.
The pathway of progress is in the folder. Literacy learning progressions are also in there and could use a template as an assess and plan document.
Core and More...ideas from the group: All takes place in place of something like Steps/Word Study. Tuahiwi-play and eat time. While kids were eating, they would do this together. Think of what teacher interaction kids get now, and how can you improve that. SSR time. TA to work with other students while the class teacher is with them. Don’t be talked into letting someone else do it.
Acceleration vs remediation-Suzie Pepper Rollins
High Impact Teaching strategies
Notice, recognise, respond
Enact your plan
Include the student in planning.
Knowledge of learner and literacy skills. See, say do...modelling book
Choice, context, Pathway, the reason for doing what we do.
If such and such can just…
Connection to family.
I do, we do, we do, you do. Cups and ARMS and CUPS. Creating a school newspaper/flier. Digital newspaper.
Frontloading is the number one successful strategy. Some front load prior to the class lesson. Co-teacher with the class and teacher focus with this group.
The day before, do something about the following day’s lesson.
Reporting required. Initial data 26 march and interim on 11 June. BOT for ALL intervention. This form is in the shared folder.
My Next Steps:
Select the group of students with who I will work on this intervention.
Make contact with whānau to explain the plan and intervention.
Start creating opportunities to spend time getting to know more about the students.
Reading with Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey
Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey March 2021
- Reading for pleasure.
- Reading to support writing.
- Reading to learn...reading across the curriculum.