Thursday, 7 February 2019

Work Habits

Developing Expectations and Work Habits

I noticed within the first week of the year that a number of children seemed to lack focus on what they were doing and couldn't remain on task.  There was a significant amount of chatter with many children not completing work and being completely off task.
I saw a need to explicitly teach and provide opportunities to experience and identify ways to help them focus more on learning and learning tasks.
We had a discussion and brainstormed what a class of focused learners would look and sound like.  I then set a relatively easy task for children to do independently and talked about our focus being on maintaining focus.  I was then able to walk around and take photos, therefore showing children they had succeeded in showing what a learning focussed class looks like because we had the photos to prove it.  The children hardly noticed that I was taking photos.  
I listened to this conversation which was about the learning.

We will need to revisit and build on this to help further develop and build on having a learning focused culture within our class.  

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