A Systematic Approach for Teaching Spelling
A day of learning about Liz Kane's The Code
Little trauma becomes big trauma. Can impact attendance, engagement and learning. Can avoid learning tasks to avoid the shame of not being at a level that is expected.
LETRS Training and MSL - Will be really good professional development. Catch Up Readers...good for older, struggling readers.
Thinking about our school:
At least 60% of tamariki require code based, systematic and explicit instruction.
Spelling is needed for proficient writing.
Vocabulary Check Activity:
We had word cards and meanings to match up.
Focus on Phonemic Awareness. Liz Kane Facebook Page is a good one to follow.
Some things are not for discovery, some things just need to be taught. Error-correct as we go.
Syntax and Grammar programme. Kids writing definitions is not learning vocabulary. They need to engage and interact with it.
Engagement Norms - Turn and Talk, Cold call, non-volunteers, whiteboards are good for checkins and can be seen by the teacher, books, track with me, read with me.
For me...cold call system.
Video: An expert minute with Dr Anita Archer, who created I do, we do, you do.
Struggling crew...I do, we do, you do with teaching letter sounds.
Students need three kinds of practice:
Instruction needs to be interactive so students are engaged.
One of the main things that came out was the guided practice, rove and respond. Kids with dyslexia and who are struggling need loads of we do, we do, we do.
Letter sounds every day and quickly.
The Not So Simple View of Writing
Handwriting needs to be fluent and legible. Typing also needs to be automated. Practice makes permanent. What they have been doing is mapped in their brain.
The goal is proficient writing.
'The small steps really matter, and they often look different to the end goal'. Daisy Christodoulou.
Smalls steps for writing: Spelling, handwriting, teaching sentences, graphic organisers to plan.
Writers Toolbox is a good resource. Take the time to break things down.
The Code: Part of my plan for teaching writing.
How many sounds in the English language? 44
How many ways to spell those sounds? 250...around 150 common ways.
Orthographic Mapping:
Gluing spelling to pronunciation and meaning. Children with stronger oral language are going to perform better as when they come to words they have in their spoken language, there is something to glue it to.
What we can write, we can read!
The writing part takes a lot of practice.
The Four Part Processing Model for Word Recognition
We are judged by our spelling, whether we like it or not.
Teach the meaning and practice. Most of our vocabulary is learned through reading.
My next step: We are learning homophones next week.
Most successful teachers spend time:
Guided practice
asking questions
checking for errors
A Lesson - List 13 -ed
Daily Review
If struggling with vowels, give an anchor or some kind of support.
Spelling voice: heart word people reading voice people spelling voice: pee op ple
Reviewing sounds: Which letters make the sound ay in play?
ay - play
ai - paint
tch - latch
ou - cloud
ow - clown
ph - phone
Today I am teaching you...suffix -ed. t / d / id. Use fingers for sounds. Read through a list of words together.
t=jumped, locked, skipped
d=waved, stayed
id=hunted, shouted
Make a chart. Read words together.
Write in books:
locked - sound and write, underline the ed.
played -
shouted -
jumped - underline suffix ed
growled -
waited -
Do about 8-12 words. Scaffold first ones. Pens down and read through the words.
Listen, say to buddy and write it down.
The house is locked.
They planned a trip to the lake.
He was excited to see the game.
Get really strict on capital letters and punctuation. No capitals unless they are meant to. Don't let them leave until they punctuate. Kids need to do that work in the training plan for writing.
With dictation, the sentence needs to be held in their head before writing.
For whole class teaching, differentiate at sentence level. Get in as much dictation as we can.
Review, explicitly teach, practice and apply. Book to get: The Dictation.
Sound Check book
Use the sheet in here to reinforce the learning of the sounds and also suffix -ed.
Check out Page 3 Introduction - Read it
Word checks are a snap shot. When making judgements, consider student writing books in order to make a call about spelling. If its wrong, its wrong. Use Sound check activities from books 1 and 2.
Phonemic awareness assessment only for struggling readers. Used only after teaching for ten weeks. Not for students who can read.
Dibbles screening tool - 1 minute per student, 3 minutes for whole class.
Wasting time doing Probes.
Data sheet is on Liz Kane website. Takes ages to put the data in.
Kids need to be reading all the time and every day.
Cognitive Load
Human brain can only process a small amount of new information.
Working memory - what we use to learn new ideas and manipulate information. Limit of 4-7.
Things in our environment can take up space in our working memory. Being uncomfortable etc...lots of things creep in and take over working memory. We want to automate spelling and handwriting so we can retrieve it and it doesn't take up much room.
Make sure we are not overwhelming kids as we teach. Bite sizepieces and loads of review.
The more mastered something is, the less working memory it takes.
Goal: Optimise intrinsic load.
Extraneous load: tangents, outside noise,
Be clear about what you want to students to learn.
Be direct and explicit - cut iut redundant information.
Give worked examples - modelling
Daily review and retrieval practice
Predictable, repeatable routines with low variance - Use simple language and consistency across the school.
Managing cognitive load - Daily review, explicit teaching, practice and apply.
If it's worth teaching, it's worth reviewing.
Handwriting - Transcription
Get kids to write the alphabet.
If kids can't write the letters, writing will be a real problem. Output is impacted by transcription issues.
Explicit teaching - "I am going to teach you the long spelling for /j/"
The sound is /j/, the spelling is dge. One syllable and straight after a short vowel.
dge - fudge,
Create a T Chart to check one syllable and short vowel. Cringe and huge...with older kids, use non-examples too.
Write: dge. dge. dge. dge. dge. Write the pattern 5x across the page saying 'dge' as you write.
Student practice:
List 40 CVC doubling rule. CVC and Vowel Suffix
Base Word. Suffix. New.
C goes with a.o and u and k goes with the other two.
The Jobs of Silent E
Make the vowel long - bit>bite
Makes c and G soft - dance, hinge
Keeps I U and V from being the last letter - pie
Shows the word ism't a plural - lapse
Adds a vowle to c+le syllables
Makes th voiced
Clarifies meaning
Morphology - study of morphemes
Morphemes 0 the smallest unt of meaning in a word.
Bound and unbound morphemes
Bound - in+struct+ion Struct cannot stand alone,
un+help+ful. Hearing about prefixes can start early.
With older kids...Phoneme / Morpheme Analysis.
Morphology chains:
Basic Word Matrix:
Jason Wade Education: the sensible spelling system.
Catch Up to Keep Up (Insert those three photos).
Target students get core and more.
Intervention RTI: response to Intervention. RTI is a process that aims to provide targeted instruction for students that need it most. (Add tier 1 - 3 pic).
List 20
I am going to teach you a spelling for the sound /ē/. The sound is e the spelling is ee.
Pronunciation, sound, meaning.
Review homophones regularly. Will be recommended to teach a homophone a week and add in your review.
Today I am teaching you the sound a spelling for the sound ea. The sound is e the spelling is e a.
The sound is...
The spelling is...
What is the sound?
What is the spelling?
Say...sounds...'I hear ur and I spell it u r'.
List 28 R controlled Vowels
I am going to teach you a spelling for the sound er. The sound is er the spelling is e r. Say herb, sounds? I hear er and I spell it. What's the sound we are learning? How do we spell it?
Today I'm teaching you a spelling for the sound ur. The spelling is u r.
I am going to teach you the prefix re...it means, do again? What does it mean?
List 60
The sound is /u/ the spelling is ou and the sound is...
I am going to teach you the spelling for the sound /o/ after a 'w'.
Watch, I hear qu has two sounds k & w...so quad has the W effect so it's an a.
Heart Words - High frequency words that may have a part that may be irregular. Need to be able to recognise some of the sounds. Some, you just need to teach the spelling. Review through a flash card or on the screen. Be creative with ways that you can get kids to spell these words. Spelling voice is helpful and makes it easy.
Once you have this learning, you need to give yourself a year to practice. Take time. One group or whole class. One list a week...two parts=two weeks. Timetable pic, works for the whole class teaching.