Supplementary Course
What do you believe leadership is?
Strong relationships
Being approachable
Best interests of all
Effective communication
Being able to see the big picture and the details
Who has influenced you as a leader?
Greer Doidge - One of my first mentor teachers when I was a beginning teacher. Knew her stuff, great fun and always keen on a laugh but also highly professional. Gave me some of the best feedback and feed forward that I have had in my career.
What aspects of educational leadership do you think are the most important?
For me, trust is a big one at the moment. Honesty in being able to question things or share things and kow that it is a safe space. I think in educational leadership, you need to have the tamariki at the centre of all that you do. Sift through what is not important. See the learner as a developing person not just the kid in your class/school for however long.
With your own situation in mind. Look below at the qualities of middle leadership
Select and write down 4 things that you do well and often as a middle leader and think of three that you would like to give more thought to.
Learning From the Middle
Leadership needs to be distributed.