Zones of Regulation
With RTLBs Caroline Winter and Sarah
Caroline read out a poem from the perspective of a child with trauma.Distressed and Deliberately Defiant
Two key things: Relationships and Emotional Self Regulation.
Need to help rewire brains to support children with relationships. Expecting rejection, however are wanting relationship.
Self Regulation- Taught to calm, minimise outbursts and have a plan in place to deal with outbursts.
After a meltdown, thirty minutes of low stimulus activity. Older kids need an hour.
Prevent, Teach, Reinforce
MOE initiative trialling, aimed at severe behaviour kids, team of people around child. The manual needs to be followed step by step. Class assessment needs doing. This looks at feedback, 5 to 1. Predictability, are timetables etc clear? Routines-Are these set within each other? Providing consistency for children. Teaching expectations-have these been taught throughout the day. Social Skills-Are these taught explicitly? These things need to be in place before a referral is done or the observation even takes place.
We identified what we do well and what we will work on this year.
I think I am good at building relationships with children and families and have clear routines in place.
I need to work on sharing success with home more and emotional coaching.
Zones of Regulation
Target things that zones of regulation focus on. Sensory, emotional, executive functioning, visual, social thinking regulation.