Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Precision Teaching

Precision Teaching Learning

14 March 2018
Today we had a bit of a treat and were able to have a session with Linda who is an RTLB and a Precision Teaching expert.  She took us through the theory of Precision Teaching and some important tips and must dos in order for children to maximise learning.

This session was attended by all of our teacher aides, the Takitini teachers and two of our interns.  

It was a good opportunity for teachers to learn about how Precision Teaching works and what it involves.  We are now able to use some of these techniques within our own teaching and to support the learners through transferring their learning with teacher aides, into the other programmes and curriculum areas with the classroom.  

I found this session incredibly valuable and have some resources and clear pathways for some of my other learners.  

Our next step is to deliberately plan together so we have clear understanding of what each of our high learning needs students can have follow up and reinforcement in class.

• Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice. 
• Be informed by research and innovations related to: content disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for diverse learners, including learners with disabilities and learning support needs; and wider education matters.